Romeo and JulietAct II of Romeo and Juliet was passionate and exciting. After a long and romantic conversation at Juliet's balcony, the two young lovers decided to get married. With the hope of ending the long family feud, Romeo and Juliet are optimistic that their love will yield them a lifetime of happiness. However, Act III promises to derail their plans as conflict between the warring families grows and the action unfolds. Are you glad you are not the prince, trying to run a town that is divided by such a huge family feud?

During this topic, you will read and discuss the third act of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. You will also learn some new literary concepts, such as oxymoron, tragic hero, and turning point.

Essential Questions

  • What is an oxymoron?
  • What are the characteristics of a tragic hero?
  • How is the turning point significant to a play?