Grammar - Parallel Structure

Parallel Structure

Parallel StructureParallel structure, also known as parallelism, involves the repetition of similar grammatical forms to express ideas that are parallel, or equal. Parallel structure helps make reading easier by ensuring that ideas have a logical flow. It can also be used for dramatic effect, especially when delivering stirring speeches. Even though parallelism is an important and effective tool for communication, many writers struggle with maintaining parallel structure in their writing, which leads to awkward sentences or miscommunication for their readers. In this interactivity, you will learn what parallel structure is and how to use correctly. Click the player button to begin.

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Situations That Call for Parallel Structure

Situations That Call for Parallel StructureIt will help you to know which type of sentences use parallel structure, as well as how to fix a sentence when the parallel structure is incorrect. In this activity, learn about four different situations that call for parallel structure. Click the player button to begin.

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Parallel Structure Review

self-check iconParallel Structure ReviewNow that you have explored parallel structure, it is time to review your knowledge and practice what you have learned. In this non-graded activity, read the pairs of sentences and select the ones that have correct parallel structure. Click the player button to get started.