Course Glossary

Numbers and Your Age

Although you may not have met a native French speaker yet, you can tap into your artistic side to practice and reinforce your understanding of conversational French. In this assignment, you will use your creativity to design and develop a comic strip, or bande dessinée, on the topic of asking about age. Keep in mind that a typical comic strip is made up of a series of boxes that together illustrate a scene. Within each box are drawings of the characters along with conversation bubbles that depict the dialogue that is being said. Below is an example of a brief comic strip.

example comic strip

After you have created your bande dessinée, you will record yourself reading the dialogue in each conversation bubble. Your bande dessinée must include the following elements:

  • At least three different numbers incorporated
  • At least two questions about age
  • At least two answers to the questions about age
  • Use of intonation, inversion, or est-ce que

Options to create your bande dessinée include the following:

  1. Hand-draw the assignment and then take a picture of it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  2. Hand-draw the assignment and then scan it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  3. Utilize a paint, publishing, word processing, presentation, or graphics software program to create the assignment.

Before you begin the assignment, review the Bande Dessinée Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.

assignment icon
Once you have completed your bande dessinée, please submit your work to the dropbox.