Who's That?
Conversations can be about endless topics. However, if you do not know how to introduce yourself, ask basic questions, or end a discussion, your communication will likely feel incomplete. Familiarize yourself with the below words and phrases, and practice your pronunciation by repeating each aloud after the speaker. The speaker will say the French word fluently, then slowly so you can hear the exact pronunciation, and then fluently again. Click each word or phrase to hear the pronunciation.
French | English |
À bientôt | See you soon |
À tout à l'heure | See you in a while |
Allô | Hello (only on the phone) |
Au revoir | Goodbye |
Bonjour | Hello |
C'est | It is |
Ciao | Goodbye |
Comment t'appelles-tu?/Tu t'appelles comment? | What is your name? (fam.) |
Comment vous appelez-vous? | What is your name? (formal) |
Je suis français(e) | I am French |
Je m'appelle | My name is |
Je suis américain(e) | I am American |
Je te présente | I would like to introduce you to |
Je viens de France | I come from France |
Je viens des Etats-Unis | I come from the United States |
Je vous présente | I would like to introduce you to (formal) |
Pardon | Pardon me |
Salut | Hi/goodbye |
Tu viens d'où? | Where are you from? (fam.) |
Vous venez d'où? | Where are you from? (formal) |
Tu and Vous
Take a moment to reexamine the table above. Notice that several words and phrases are translated with the same definition. This happens because one phrase is formal, and the other is informal, or familiar. Americans are accustomed to being very casual in dress and conversations. However, the French do not always have such familiarity with others, which is why they use the word tu only when speaking with friends and peers who are their same age, as well as immediate family, and people younger than them. Conversely, the French use the word vous when addressing anyone else. When in doubt, use vous. This will ensure you do not offend someone from another culture.
Meeting and Greeting Others
In this interactivity, you will figure out the French equivalent of what other teens are saying as conversation starters. Pay careful attention to whether they use tu or vous in the examples. Keep in mind that everyone is your peer. Click the player to begin.
View a printable version of the interactivity.
Who's That? Review
Now that you have learned a little about meeting and greeting others, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player to get started.