School Courses

School Schedules

Sample American High School Schedule
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Math Math Math Math Math Allemand
Science Science Science Science Science Anglais
10:00-10:55 AM History History History History History Français
11:00-11:55 AM English English English English English Italien
12:00-12:30 PM Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch  
12:35-1:30 PM Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish  
1:35-2:30 PM Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym  

In the United States, students go to school from Monday through Friday. While some schools have A and B, days, the schedule is very uniform and students attend the same classes at the same times each day. Lunch is typically served over a half hour period. School begins around 8:00 AM and ends around 2:30 PM.

Sample French Lycée Schedule
  Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi
Histoire Allemand Maths Musique Physique Allemand
Anglais Musique Maths Français Allemand Anglais
10h00-10h55 Maths Maths Français Français Histoire Français
11h00-11h55 Allemand Histoire Physique Théâtre Gymnastique Italien
12h00-13h55 Déjeuner Déjeuner   Déjeuner Déjeuner  
Italien Biologie Anglais Italien


Gymnastique Biologie Italien Théâtre
16h00-16h55 Gymnastique Technologie Physique Anglais

List IconNow take a moment to view a sample of a French high school schedule. On a piece of paper, make a list of any obvious differences between the two schedules. One thing you may notice is that French students attend school for half-days on Wednesday and Saturday; however, some French localities have started to eliminate the half-day on Saturday. What else is different about the French high school schedule?