Course Glossary

In Class

Student smilingFournitures et de la Technologie

What supplies do your bring to school with you every day? What technology do you use? How is the technology set up in your room? In this assignment, you will create two brief paragraphs. The first paragraph should describe the school supplies that you bring to school with you every day. Include a description of different materials required for different courses.

The second paragraph should describe the technology that you use during your school day. In this paragraph, make sure to address how you use the technology. If you use technology at home for school work, be sure to include how this technology is utilized.

Both paragraphs should be written in French. Pay attention to the gender of each noun that you use. Before you begin, access the Fournitures et de la Technologie Checklist to make sure that you include all items required for full credit.

Once you have completed your assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.