Incroyable! You know a little more about the marvelous country of France now! You learned about the economy, government, religion, well-known landmarks, and important historical figures and accomplishments in France. You can make connections about France and geography as well as famous artists, mathematicians, philosophers, and rulers.
Extend Your Learning
Marseille is a port city in southern France and the second largest city in population behind Paris. Marseille has a rich history is trading that still exists today. Marseille is the largest port for commerce, freight, and cruise ships on the Mediterranean coast. If you were to visit Marseille today, you would find bustling city streets, markets, and a harbor lined with various boats. View Being French from eMediaVASM to learn all about the city of Marseille through the eyes of children. While you watch the video clip, pay attention to the key language points and practice your French.
Did you save the KWL chart you filled out in the Warm-Up activity? Please review that KWL chart and fill in the final column titled, "What I have Learned about France". See if you can add at least ten new things you learned!