Modifying Adjectives

Smiling Lady

Whenever you refer to another person, a common question you may be asked is, "What is he/she really like?" Sharing what you think and know about others is natural. It is also an important responsibility to accurately represent others in their absence. The French language has a wide variety of adjectives you can use to express your observations and impressions. In this topic, you will learn how to use the verb être along with diverse adjectives to describe other people as well as to describe yourself. You will learn adjectives of nationality and how to make adjectives agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. You will also add to your growing vocabulary by practicing French-English cognates, words that are the same in French and English.

Essential Questions

  • How do you choose the precise adjective to accurately represent people, including yourself?
  • What are French-English cognates and why are there so many of them?