Leisure Time
Is there ever a time in which you have absolutely nothing to do: no sports practice, no homework, no spiritual activities? American teenagers are frequently scheduled with activities from morning until night with little or no “down time.” Have you ever been bored? If you have been bored, what would you rather have been doing? Take a moment to create a table or chart similar to the one on this page. Your chart should have the following three headings: “My Activities;” “Things I like to do;” and “Things I would like to do.”
In the first column, “My Activities,” list all of the activities you are currently involved in. In the second column, “Things I like to do,” list all of the activities that you enjoy. In the third column, “Things I would like to do,” list any activities in which you would like to participate.
After you have completed your table, think about the following questions: Are there activities in the first column that are not in the second column? Are there activities in the second column that are not in the first column? Why are you not currently participating in the activities you listed in the third column?