Calculating the Length of an Arc

A circle is 360°. Therefore, if you divide an arc’s degree measure by 360°, you will find the fraction of the circle’s circumference that the arc makes up. In this video, you will learn how to calculate the length of an arc. Click the player button to begin.
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Calculating the Area of a Sector

Calculating the area of a sector requires that you use the circumference to find the radius. Then you will use the radius to find the area. If the central angle measures 60°, you will divide 360° by 60°. Then you will multiply by the measure of the corresponding arc to find the total circumference of the circle. In this video, you will learn how to calculate the area of a sector. Click the player button to begin.
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Arc Length and Area of a Sector Review

Now that you have learned about arc length and the area of a sector, review your knowledge in this interactivity. Click the player button to get started.