Constructing an Angle Bisector

In this video, you will explore how to bisect a given angle using a straightedge and a compass. Bisecting an angle will result in creating two angles that are equal in measure. When ready, click the player button to begin.
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Constructing an Angle Congruent to a Given Angle

In this video, you will explore how to create an angle that is congruent to a given angle. You will need to use a compass and a straightedge to help you with this construction. Click the player button to begin.
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Constructing a Line Parallel to a Given Line through a Point Not on the Line

In this video, you will be using a compass and a straightedge to construct a line that is parallel to a given line through a point that is not on the line. You will need your knowledge of how to construct a congruent angle to help you in this topic. Click the player button to begin.
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Constructions Involving Angles and Parallel Lines Review

Now that you have investigated constructions involving angles and parallel lines, review your knowledge in this interactivity. Click the player button to get started.