Special Right Triangles

Special Right Triangles Problem Set

outdoor view of ladders leaning against a house

You are hired for a summer job painting the exterior of houses for the elderly in your community. You have completed your on-the-job training and are set to begin your first painting job today. Before you leave, your manager reminds you of the most important rule: Ladders must make an angle of between 40 and 70 degrees with the ground to ensure proper safety.

Upon arriving at the home, you unload your 12- and 18-foot ladders and begin the preparations for painting. Use your information on 45°-45°-90° and 30°-60°-90° right triangles to answer the following questions. Round your answers to the nearest tenth and please show all your work.

  1. You wish to use your 12-foot ladder to reach the lower level of the home. How far away from the home must the ladder be placed to form a 45°-45°-90° triangle?
  2. For the same 12-foot ladder, how far up on the house will the ladder reach?
  3. To reach the second floor, you must use your 18-foot ladder and form a 30°-60°-90° triangle. How far away from the house must the ladder be placed?
  4. For the same 18-foot ladder, how far up on the house will the ladder reach?

This activity is also available in a printable document.


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