The Perfect Machine

Authentic Assessmentfemale student giving presentation in front of classYou now have the opportunity to use your newfound knowledge of “The Perfect Machine" -- your body. For this authentic assessment, you will integrate everything you learned in this module to develop a creative presentation on the importance of nutrients and exercise for a healthy body.

In this presentation, you will choose one of the key nutrients you learned about, and also include the following:

  • Information about this special nutrient;
  • Where the nutrient is found (source);
  • How it helps the body;
  • What system of the body it mostly affects or benefits;
  • What happens if the body is deficient of this nutrient;
  • The benefits this key nutrient adds to the body during physical activity;
  • An example of a physical activity (game/sport, rhythmic movement, recreation, etc.);
  • Explanation about the body systems/parts that are most used and affected by your chosen physical activity; and
  • Explanation about how key nutrients benefit the body during the chosen physical activity.

You should use presentation software to present the required information. Refer to the Developmental Module for guidelines on how to publish your presentation for submission.

Make sure your presentation is visually appealing, organized, and covers all of the information listed above. Also include pictures/graphics to support information you include on your chosen nutrient.

Before you begin, review the Key Nutrients and the Body Presentation Checklist to understand how your work will be graded. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information citing any resources that you use.

AssignmentOnce you have completed your assignment, please submit you completed presentation to the dropbox.


Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.