Do Not End Up in the Junkyard: Avoiding Harmful Substances

Authentic AssessmentWe are influenced by a variety of media sources on a daily basis: the movies, the Internet, television commercials, billboards, the radio, newspapers, music, magazines, etc. Some substances that are harmful to your body are often portrayed differently in the media. Have you seen smoking, drinking, or drug use glamorized in a recent movie or television show? Consider how frequently you hear or read about famous individuals suffering from substance abuse? The media can influence someone's decision to use harmful substances.

For this assignment, you are going to create a form of media that is a positive influence on your peers. Pretend that you are the creative director for a teen magazine. Your supervisor, the magazine’s chief editor, has informed you that this issue will focus on ways that teens can avoid using harmful substances. You are responsible for implementing this concept and designing the cover of this issue.

To successfully complete this assignment you need to:

  1. Young designerSelect the type of magazine that you want to represent (i.e., fashion magazine, cooking magazine, news magazine, travel magazine, etc.).

  2. Think about and pick topics that would represent ways to avoid a variety of harmful substances.

  3. Since this is a magazine cover, you must include images and original headlines that would grab the attention of your readers and make them want to buy your issue off the newsstand. At a minimum, you must include:
    • A masthead (the magazine title)
    • A dateline (the date of the issue)
    • A selling line (the magazine's motto or slogan)
    • One main image (the largest image on your cover representing the biggest article)
    • Three cover lines with images (highlights of other magazine articles that would be appealing to your readers)
    • The selling price of your magazine

  4. Create your magazine cover from the resources that you have gathered. Remember, your magazine cover is a summary of the contents inside the magazine. You might want to look at the cover of modern day magazines to help you visualize and organize your teen magazine cover.

Options to create your magazine cover include the following:

  1. Hand-draw your cover and then take a picture of it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  2. Hand-draw your cover and then scan it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  3. Utilize a paint, publishing, word processing, presentation, or graphics software program to create your cover.

Before you begin, please review the Teen Magazine Cover Checklist to make sure you have included all of the needed items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

Once you have completed your magazine cover, please submit your work to the dropbox.


Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.