Did You Know?
You probably already know that cigarettes contain tobacco, but did you know they also are made up of thousands of other chemicals, toxins, and carcinogens? Examine the below list of cigarette ingredients.
Cigarette Ingredient | Intended Use of Substance |
Butane | Gas used in lighter fluid |
Naphthalene | Ingredient in mothballs |
Polonium | Radioactive element that causes cancer |
Benzene | Synthetic rubber |
Cadmium | Used in batteries |
Formaldehyde | Used to preserve dead bodies |
Ammonia | Household cleanser |
Carbon Monoxide | Poisonous gas |
Arsenic | Found in rat poisons |
DDT | Insecticide that is banned |
Does this knowledge impact your desire to use or not use cigarettes now or in the future? Why or why not?