Buckle Up: Staying Safe

Injured teenWhen you think of peer pressure, what do you think about? Pressure to smoke, drink, or do drugs most often comes to mind. Peer pressure affects other parts of your life as well. For example, has anyone ever dared you to do something you knew was unsafe? You may have also seen shows on television or videos on the Internet that showcase “stunts” teens may want to try because they seem fun and silly. However, those acts are often very dangerous to your health and well-being.

Likely, you have some experience with social media. Some people find this form of communication exciting, because social media can make anyone famous for a day by providing an avenue to stand out or get attention. You may see peers post videos without considering consequences for making certain information public. However, accidents can result from these types of dangerous decisions. Before you engage in risky behaviors, think about the outcome. While certain video posts may seem exciting or funny, you rarely see postings that show serious injury, or demonstrate how lives have changed because of a silly prank or trick. As you go through this topic, try to relate it to your life, family, and friends.

Accidents and Injuries

When you think of accidents, you may think of vehicle accidents. The most common way to help prevent unintentional injuries from a vehicle accident is to wear a seat belt and observe traffic laws. Accidents can take place anywhere, and are always unplanned. In addition, they happen randomly or because of reckless behavior. If you are well informed and prepared for these types of situations, you will be able to prevent accidents. It is also important to know how to stay safe in situations that can turn dangerous and cause injury. An injury is harm or damage that is done to you or someone else. Unintentional injury is injury that is caused by an accident.

Unintentional injuries often take place in unpredictable environments, where people have not taken proper steps to remain safe. Unintentional injuries can also occur because of careless behavior. Although your intent is not to get hurt, careless behaviors cause harm, and may even prove deadly. For example, although it is tempting to try stunts that get a laugh, you must look at the bigger picture. More often than not, those stunts end in disaster. It is not worth losing a finger, catching a house on fire, or breaking a leg. One more potential cause of injuries is insufficient sleep. Not only can a lack of sleep affect your judgment, it also increases the risk of being involved in a grave accident or injury.

Common Safety MeasuresCommon Safety Measures

When it comes to fire and potentially poisonous chemicals, it is important to take certain measures to stay safe. Unintentional injuries can happen; however, many of these injuries can be easily avoided. In this interactivity, you will examine some safety tips for dealing with fire and poisons. Click the player button to begin.

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Staying Safe Review

Self-Check Content PracticeNow that you have learned about staying safe, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.