Reaching Your Destination: Healthy Choices in College and Careers

Staying Healthy After High School

Staying Healthy After High SchoolGraduation from high school will come sooner than you think. Whether you plan to go to college or begin a career, you will enter new situations, and encounter decisions different from any you have had to make before. You may feel stressed out at times, but by making certain preparations, you can relieve some of this stress, and create a healthy lifestyle. Learn more in this interactivity. Click the player button to begin.

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Digital RepositoryIn this course, you learned a lot about nutrition. However, even if you seem healthy today, health issues may develop in the future. Take a moment to view Misty’s journey to college in the video, Choosing Foods for Your Health, from eMediaVASM. Before college, Misty already had type 2 diabetes, but now that she is faced with a different lifestyle, her nutrition choices have become a greater challenge. As you watch the video, think about whether you will be able to motivate yourself to eat healthily as you gain more independence after high school.


Healthy Choices in College and Careers Review

Self-CheckContent PracticeNow that you have learned how to maintain a healthy lifestyle during college and your career, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.