Defensive Driving: Staying Safe in the Digital World

Happy teen looking at smart phoneSimilar to risks you may encounter in school, socially, or in your community, dangers exist in online environments. Often online aggressors have the courage to endanger others because their identity can usually remain anonymous. Their behaviors may include degrading others, making threats, and manipulating personal information.

Social Media

Social media tools are websites or applications that allow you to communicate with a large number of people. Types of social media include blogs, wikis, social networks, podcasting, photo and video sharing, virtual games, and online communities. An increasing number of social networking sites are being created every day. The use of social media has soared, as more and more users become “plugged in” with mobile devices. Look around you. Notice people connected to the Internet and engaged with each other through social media at school, work, restaurants, and malls. Social media enables you to reach millions of people with a few keystrokes.

Digital RepositoryThere are many positive benefits to social media. A few of them are staying in touch with friends and family who are far away, promoting charitable causes, and sharing news quickly with others. When used correctly, social media can help you stay informed and communicate effectively. However, you may also experience negative consequences of social media. For example, what you say, or images you post, could be taken out of context, used for bullying or blackmail, or result in criminal charges. Take a moment to view the video, The Realities of Sexting: You Can’t Unsend!, from eMediaVASM, to discover the dangers of sexting. As you watch the video, think about why people sext, who it effects, and alternative ways you can communicate with others.

Sad teen looking at a computer screen
Online Harassment

Cyberbullies use technology to repeatedly and aggressively send threatening messages or images meant to harm someone. Online predators and stalkers roam in chat rooms, gaming sites, or social networks. They lie to gain trust from vulnerable people, and hope to obtain personal information like photos, phone numbers, and addresses. By using online environments, cyberbullies, online predators, and online stalkers often feel brave because they can remain anonymous. They can even post pictures and messages using fake accounts.

Since the Internet is always available, online harassment can occur any time of day, using social networking sites, blogs, and photo sharing services. Moreover, the Internet has a wide audience, and harmful messages may get spread to the masses. Once a message or image gets posted, no one can permanently delete it.

Digital Repository IconAlthough the Internet is a valuable tool, people sometimes use it to act aggressively toward others. This behavior can gravely damage victims. In the video, Bad Behavior Online: Bullying, Trolling & Free Speech, from eMediaVASM, you will discover the boundaries that exist regarding cyberbullying, trolling, and free speech. As you watch, think about the regulations you feel should exist online. Also, try to come up with a personal example in which you or someone you know has been affected by these types of harassment.

Effects of Online HarassmentUpset teen with smart phone

Take a moment to discover some effects of online harassment. Next time you are communicating online, remember to think before you post, because you cannot take back your communications. Also, keep in mind that people you are interacting with online have genuine feelings, and will be impacted by your actions.

The following are effects of online harassment:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self-harm
  • Physical stress
  • Poor self esteem
  • Withdrawal
  • Violent behavior
  • Increased absence from school and activities
  • Use of drugs or alcohol
  • Failing grades
  • Embarrassment


Staying Safe in the Digital World Review

Self-CheckContent PracticeNow that you have learned how to stay safe in the digital world, review your knowledge in this non-graded interactivity. Click the player button to get started.