Avoiding Risky Behaviors

Sexting ConceptRisky behavior is anything that has the potential to harm any aspect of your health -- physical, mental, emotional, or social. As an individual develops the need to explore, discover, and grow, the possibility of engaging in risky behavior increases. To maintain overall health and well-being, it is important to identify and avoid risky behaviors.

Social Networking

Social networking has become extremely popular within the last several years. One of the main reasons for its popularity is the many positive impacts it has had on communication. It has opened the door to communicating with one person, or with thousands, within seconds. In addition, social networking has been a great resource for advertising and promoting products and/or services, sharing information, and uniting people on a shared platform. Unfortunately, social networking can have negative impacts as well. Sharing personal information online, such as your home address, phone number, and Social Security number, can be risky. Sharing this type of information can make you vulnerable to cyberstalking and identity theft. Posting photos to social networking accounts also presents the risk of your photos being shared more publicly. Imagine the emotional trauma that comes with discovering that a photo you thought was private has been spread to countless others. There is no way to remove, or stop, the image from spreading.

Risks Involved with Social Networking

Risks Involved with Social NetworkingCyberstalking, identify theft, sexting, hate speech, disrespectful behavior, and cyberbullying are all negative aspects to social networking. In this interactivity, learn about the risks associated with these activities and how to avoid them. By avoiding the risks, you will be able to take advantage of all the positive aspects of social networking while remaining safe. Click the player button to begin.

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Digital Repository IconOnce a photo or message is sent electronically, it is nearly impossible to retract it. In addition, it is almost impossible to control how a photo posted online is used or distributed. For this reason, it is very important that you refrain from sending provocative and inappropriate messages and photos. If you distribute provocative photos while under the age of 18, you could be charged with manufacturing child pornography. Even having an inappropriate photo on your computer or mobile device is considered possession of child pornography. View Cell Phones and Photos from eMediaVASM to learn more about the dangers of sending and receiving inappropriate photos and messages.

Reckless, Distracted, and Impaired Driving

person texting in car at risk of hitting a person riding a bikeAccording to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration's (NHTSA) 2014 data sheet, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 15 and 20 years. Reckless driving includes driving over the speed limit. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts your attention away from driving, including texting or talking on a cell phone, eating, reading, and grooming. Distracted driving is a risky behavior that impacts teens more than any other age group.

Another risky behavior, driving under the influence of alcohol, significantly increased the severity of teen automobile accidents. The NHTSA 2014 data indicates that 81 percent of young drivers who were killed in motor-vehicle related crashes had consumed alcohol. Of that 81 percent, nearly one-third had blood alcohol levels above the legal limit of .08 percent.

Digital Repository IconDriving under the influence or riding with an intoxicated driver can significantly impact your life. Impaired drivers put everyone in their car at risk. They also put every other driver on the road at risk. Driving under the influence is a serious crime with serious consequences. View High Risk High from eMediaVASM to learn how a seventeen-year old will live the rest of her life with the injuries she suffered while riding with an intoxicated driver.

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor ActivitiesBicycling, swimming, boating, skating, and diving are all great recreational outdoor activities. Most of these activities can help you achieve your fitness goals. However, these activities should be performed with the proper safety equipment to avoid potential risks. In this interactivity, explore the safety precautions you should adhere to when engaging in several different outdoor activities. Click the player button to begin.

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Avoiding Risky Behaviors Review

Self-check iconAvoiding Risky Behaviors ReviewNow that you have learned how to avoid risky behaviors, check your knowledge by completing this non-graded interactivity. Click the player button to get started.