Time To Go Under: The History of Diving and Submersibles

SCUBA and Underwater Oceanography

SCUBA and Underwater Oceanography InteractivityThroughout history, records exist of people's attempts to dive and explore beneath the ocean's surface. But why take the risks of underwater exploration? In this interactivity, you will learn why people throughout history chose to dive deep beneath the waves, as well as see some of the technologies that made it all possible, from diving bells to autonomous underwater vehicles. Click the player button to get started.

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Time To Go Under: The History of Diving and Submersibles Review

Self-Check IconTime To Go Under: The History of Diving and Submersibles Review InteractivityNow that you have explored the history of diving and submersibles, check your knowledge. In this non-graded interactivity, read each scenario and select the technologies that will best fit the mission. Click SUBMIT to check your responses. Click the player button to begin.