Oceanic Trenches

Video icon.Venn diagram graphic.The Mariana Trench, which contains the Challenger Deep, and the Puerto Rico Trench, off the coast of northern Puerto Rico, are two of the world's major trenches. View the short videos about both of these trenches on NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) website. After you select one of the trenches, a page appears with links to the files on the left. The videos come in different file sizes depending on the resolution you want to view. They also come in different formats including versions for mobile devices. If the videos are loading too slowly, you can save the videos to your computer and open them on your desktop.

Video Credit: Computerized digital images and associated databases are available from the National Geophysical Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/.

In addition, explore these websites to learn more about each of these trenches:

URL icon.

As you view the videos and explore the websites, make sure to take detailed notes about the following items:

  • The depth of each trench
  • The shape of each trench
  • The ocean in which each trench is located
  • The formation of each trench
  • Other interesting observations

After you have finished gathering your information, organize your thoughts by downloading and completing the Mariana and Puerto Rico Trenches Venn Diagram. In the diagram, you will need to identify characteristics that should be categorized under the Mariana Trench, the Puerto Rico Trench, or both, and place the characteristics in the appropriate area.

Application icon.
Once you have completed the Venn diagram, please submit your work to the dropbox.