Surface Ocean Currents

Ocean currentsThe movement of air in major wind currents has a significant influence in determining how water moves. Wind actually causes water to move in similar directions, creating surface currents. Surface currents are then deflected based on the rotation of the Earth due to the Coriolis Effect. There are various major surface currents in the ocean, and these surface currents have effects on climates around the world. There are also other currents, such as counter currents, undercurrents, monsoon currents, and El Niño and the Southern Oscillation. All of these surface ocean currents play an important role in transferring warm and cold water across the world.

Essential Questions

  • What forces cause currents?
  • What influences the direction of surface currents?
  • What is a gyre?
  • Where are gyres located?
  • What is Ekman spiral and transport?
  • What are counter currents and undercurrents?
  • What are monsoon currents?
  • What is EL Niño, Southern Oscillation, and La Niña?
  • What are the importance of surface currents?