The Law of Reflection

In this application, you will choose one of two optical tools to make.

This activity is available below or in a printable version.

A periscope uses mirrors to see around things. Build a periscope out of household materials. For an example, visit the Exploratorium. Describe how you built it and explain how it works using a ray diagram. Create a presentation, wiki, or website to display your results. Refer to the Developmental Module for tips on creating effective presentations. Be sure to include photos of your periscope!


A kaleidoscope is made from a tube and two plane mirrors. Build a kaleidoscope. Research how kaleidoscopes work and explain how multiple images are created. For an example and directions on how to build a kaleidoscope, visit the University of Arizona. How does the angle between the mirrors affect the number of images you see? Use a ray diagram in your explanation. Create a presentation, wiki, or website to display your results. Refer to the Developmental Module for tips on creating effective presentations. Be sure to include photos of your periscope!

You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.


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