Forces are acting on objects all around you. Every time an object changes speed or direction, you know that there are unbalanced forces acting. If an object is standing still or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, you know that it is subject to balanced forces.
Your task is to analyze five photographs for the forces they contain and the resulting acceleration of the selected object in the photograph. You are to research necessary variables, such as the mass of objects or a reasonable range of forces, in order to analyze the motion of the object in more detail. For example, if you chose to analyze a 2010 Camaro skidding to a stop, you might go to the Chevrolet website and discover that the 2SS model has a mass of 3860 pounds, which might help your analysis of the frictional force necessary to stop it in a reasonable distance.
Include the following in your submission:
Download a printable version of the directions and checklist to help you complete this assignment.
When you have completed your assessment and included all of the information listed above, submit your assignment to the dropbox.
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.