Module 9: Fluids

Authentic Assessment IconYou have decided to plan a diving trip for your next vacation. How does physics affect your trip? Create a planning guide in the form of a travel brochure that describes your trip and how physics is used to keep divers safe. Just think -- your planning guide could help other travelers!

Download a printable version of these assignment directions, suggested resources, and checklist to help you complete the assignment.

diverYour travel brochure must include:

  1. A specific location for your diving trip. Inform the audience of important details of your trip such as expected water depth, whether it is salt or fresh water and the amount of time you expect to be underwater. Describe the purpose of your trip.

  2. Use Pascal’s Principle and the Pressure-Fluid-Height relationship to calculate the maximum pressure you expect to experience during your dive. Make sure you use the correct density for either fresh or sea water.

  3. Describe the basic equipment you will need for your trip. Briefly explain why each piece of gear is needed from a physics perspective. 

  4. Explain how physics concepts affect your trip. Think about things like how you maintain neutral buoyancy during a dive, why there are limits on how fast you can ascend to the surface, and the effects of water pressure on divers.

  5. Describe safety concerns for your trip.

Suggested Resources:

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When you have completed your work, submit your assignment to the dropbox.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.