Module 2: Biological Basis of Behavior

Neuron and Brain Models

Authentic AssessmentNow that you have learned about parts of the brain and its nerve cells, you are going to create models of each. This assignment will consist of two models: one model of a neuron and one model of the brain. Instructions for creating the models are available below or in a printable version.

Group Studying Models of the Brain

Model 1: Candy Neuron

For the first model you will create a neuron out of candy. To accomplish this, use various types of candy to portray parts of a nerve cell, and glue the pieces to poster board. Be careful about using candy that can melt easily, like chocolate. The finished model should also be reasonably light in weight. Position the candy to create a model of a neuron. Clearly label components of the neuron with the following:

  • Cell body
  • Nucleus
  • Dendrites
  • Axon
  • Myelin sheath
  • Terminal buttons
  • Synapse

After you have finished the neuron model, take pictures of your work. You will also describe one function for at least five of the labeled neuron components. Submit these descriptions to the dropbox with the rest of your work.

Model 2: Modeling Clay Brain

For the second model you will create a brain out of modeling clay. Use a different color of modeling clay for each component of the brain. Necessary supplies include the following:

    Split View of the Brain
  • Various colors of modeling clay
  • Toothpicks or coffee stirrers
  • Labels

Clearly label your brain model with the following items:

  • Cerebellum
  • Thalamus
  • Hypothalamus
  • Brain stem
  • Reticular formation
  • Corpus callosum
  • Frontal lobe
  • Parietal lobe
  • Temporal lobe
  • Occipital lobe

The diagram above represents a middle or split view of the brain. Using this as your guide for the play dough brain model, label only parts of the brain that you can view from this middle vantage point.

After you have created the brain model, take pictures of your work, making sure you include all angles of the brain and every label. You will also need to describe one function for at least five of the labeled brain parts. Submit these descriptions to the dropbox with the rest of your work.

Before you begin, you should review the Neuron and Brain Models Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.



After you have completed the assignment, take a moment to reflect on the following questions. Respond in a five-to-seven sentence paragraph.

  • Do you have a greater appreciation for your brain? Why or why not?
  • If the saying, "you are your brain" is true, how important is it to protect your brain? Why?
  • Identify two activities that can place your brain at risk. How could you persuade a friend to avoid or minimize these harmful activities that could damage his or her brain's structure or delicate chemical balance?

AssignmentOnce you have completed and photographed both models, submit the images to the dropbox along with your descriptions for each model, and your written reflection.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.