Neural Communication
Parts of a Neuron
The study of the nervous system begins with its smallest unit, the neuron. Billions of these cells make up the entire nervous system. Although they come in many varieties, neurons function in similar ways. They communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages. This interactivity will examine the neuron structure. Click the player to get started.
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Otto Loewi
Otto Loewi revolutionized research on the nervous system and various brain disorders by gaining an understanding of neural transmission and discovering neural messengers. Prior to Loewi's research, scientists believed that nerve cells communicated their signals because they were connected. However, Loewi found that there was a gap between the cells called a synapse, where chemicals carry messages.
Communication of Neurons
The brain and body communicate through connections and signals that allow you to understand your surrounding world. These communications enable you to learn, remember, sense, process, behave, and think. Neurotransmitters emit electrical and chemical signals that form the basis of your behavior. In this interactivity, you will study the communication of neurons. Click the player to begin.
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Wiggle your toes. Recall a memory from yesterday. Scratch your arm. What emotion are you feeling right now? Every action, thought, feeling, and sensation involves neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are crucial to our well-being in so many ways. In this interactivity, learn how these delicate chemicals affect mood, behavior, learning, and body functions. Click the player to begin.
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Learn more about how serotonin works and how this neurotransmitter is involved in the disorder anorexia nervosa by watching the video, The Science Behind Appetite, from eMediaVASM. As you view the video, make note of how the processes you learned in this topic are involved.
Neural Communication Review
Now that you have explored the various ways neurons communicate, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player to get started.