Vision and Perception

eye glassesThe vision process is complex. All vision is based on light that enters the eye, and the properties of the visible spectrum of light that humans perceive includes wavelength, which is experienced as color, and amplitude, which is experienced as brightness or intensity of light. In addition, the eye is comprised of many different parts that work together to create visual information that is processed in the brain.

Gestalt principles help people understand their perceptions of the world, and why sometimes, one's senses become fooled.

Extend Your Learning

You already know that perception allows you to make sense of a tremendous amount of information that your senses detect. In this topic, however, you only touched on a small amount of information related to perception. Challenge yourself to learn more by doing a bit of independent research about perception. Access the Perception Activity Guide to steer you in the right direction.

Take a moment to view the video, What Cats Taught Us About Perception: BrainCraft, from eMediaVASM, and discover how where you are from, or how you grew up, impacts the ways you perceive the world.