Hypnosis and Meditation
Not many people have experienced being hypnotized. However, almost everyone has an understanding of what it feels like to be in a similar state. For example, perhaps you experienced a time when you were listening to a friend or family member, and then suddenly, you realized you drifted off to focus on internal thoughts and could not remember what the other person said to you. Or maybe you have quickly scanned a text with your eyes, only to reach the bottom of the page and realize you could not recall anything you supposedly read.
In your journal, compose a four to five sentence paragraph that describes a situation you experienced in the past couple of days where you felt like you were in a hypnotic state. If you need assistance writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.
Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod4_hypnotic and submit it to the journal dropbox.