Introduction to the Global Economy

Introduction to Economics

Introduction to Economics

Citizens earn their livings in various ways all across the globe. No matter what a person does for a living, there are three basic economic questions they can answer. This episode of WUSG News will teach you about the three basic economic questions. Click the player button to start the episode.

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Comparitive Government EconomiesComparative Government Economies

In some countries, citizens have the freedom to choose how to earn a living. In other locations, the government retains the majority of that control. In this episode, Cain S. Hayek will help you compare the level of economic freedom experienced by the citizens of different nations. Click the player button to begin.

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Comparative Government and Global Economies ReviewIntroduction to the Global Economy Review

Now that you have studied the three basic economic questions and explored how political freedom and economic freedom relate to each other, you are ready to test everything you have learned. The first portion of this non-graded interactivity will ask you to answer the three basic economic questions about three individuals. The second portion will help you review different government economies. Click the player button to start the review and then follow the directions on the screen.