Lower Federal Courts

Lower Federal CourtsLower Federal Courts

The federal judiciary is divided into a three-tier system: the U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Courts of Appeals, and the Supreme Court. In this episode of WUSG News, you will examine the organization, jurisdiction, and officers of these lower federal courts. To view this episode, click the player button.

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Other Federal CourtsOther Federal Courts

In addition to the Supreme Court, the U.S. Courts of Appeals, and the U.S. District Courts, there are other federal courts that address special needs that are not met within the traditional court system. In this episode, you will study a few of these special purpose courts. Click the player button to begin this episode.

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Lower Federal Courts ReviewLower Federal Courts Review

Now that you have explored the U.S. Courts of Appeals, the U.S. District Courts, and the special purpose courts, it is time to review everything you have learned. This review consists of a series of multiple choice and matching questions. Simply follow the directions for each question and select the best answer. You will be able to review your answers after you submit them. Click the player button to begin.