Implementing Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy GoalsForeign Policy Goals

The U.S. government has certain objectives in mind when it deals with other countries. To understand how American foreign policy operates, you must first learn what its goals are. In this episode, Emily Airheart joins the WUSG News team to discuss America’s foreign policy goals. Click the player button to start the episode.

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Foreign Policy ToolsForeign Policy Tools

Now that you have studied what the goals of American foreign policy are, it is time to take a look at how these goals are achieved. There are three main types of foreign policy tools, each of which will be discussed in this episode of WUSG News. To begin this episode, please click the player button.

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Influences on Foreign PolicyInfluences on Foreign Policy

The goals and methods of American foreign policy are not permanently set. They shift, based on a variety of influential factors. In this episode, Emily Airheart will discuss the individuals, organizations, and other factors that help shape America’s current foreign policy. Click the player button to get started.

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Implementing Foreign Policy ReviewImplementing Foreign Policy Review

Now that you have learned about American foreign policy, its goals, and the methods used to reach them, it is time to review. Using everything you have learned during this topic, please complete this non-graded interactivity. Select the best answer for each multiple choice question and submit it. You will be able to review your answers after you submit them. Click the player button to begin the review.