Political Parties
You are probably familiar with terms like conservative, moderate, and liberal. These are words used to describe an individual or group’s political ideology, which is generally measured by using a spectrum. In this episode of WUSG News, Demi Tracy will explore the American political spectrum. To start the episode, click the player button.
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Political parties are a major part of the electoral process. Even those Americans with a vague understanding of civic life are aware of the two major political parties in American politics: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. In this episode, you will learn about the different roles of political parties. Click the player button to start.
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Political parties select candidates to run for office. The nomination process may vary depending on the type of election, or whether the candidate is running independent of the two major political parties. In this episode, you will learn the different methods of nominating a candidate for office. Click the player button to begin.
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Now that you have learned about the political spectrum, political parties, and the nomination process, it is time to review. Using all of the knowledge you have gained in this topic, please complete this non-graded interactivity. This interactivity consists of a series of questions about political parties. Answer each question to the best of your ability and submit them to review your answers. Click the player button to start the review.