Economic Systems
The U.S. economic system is not the only way for a nation to organize its production and consumption. Most modern nations operate under similar systems, but there are some countries in the past and present that use very different economic models. In this episode, you will learn about these systems. Click the player button to begin.
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The U.S. and the Global Economy
America has a mixed economy, with a heavy emphasis on the free market. It also plays a major role in the global economy, pushing for international free trade. During this episode, you will learn about some of the positive and negative aspects of international trade. To view this episode, click the player button.
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Economic Systems Review
Now that you have learned about the different types of economic systems, it is time to test your knowledge. Using everything you have learned, please complete this non-graded interactivity. Read each question carefully and select the best possible answer from the options provided. After you have made your selection, click submit to review your answer. Click the player button to start the review.