President Reagan
Résumés and cover letters are some of the best forms of self-marketing. As you plan to go to college, trade school, the military, or the workplace, keeping an updated résumé will be of great importance. Your résumé will showcase your skills and help you achieve your goals.
What do you think a résumé would look like for a president of the United States? In this assignment, you will create a résumé for the fortieth president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s résumé will include his educational profile, a list of his skills and abilities, his experiences and accomplishments, and examples of his leadership.
To complete this assignment, download and fill out the Ronald Reagan Résumé Template. Make sure to complete each section of the template. You may add additional bullet points to any of the sections to add more information. Do not worry about filling out or altering the personal information for President Reagan.
Once you have completed the Ronald Reagan Résumé Template, please submit your assignment to the dropbox.