Module 12: The Changing Times - The 2000s to the Present

a woman doing a job search on her laptop

What Needs to Change?

authentic assessment iconIn the recent history of the United States, times have quickly changed. Throughout this module, for example, you saw changes in the government and economy, court systems and rights of American citizens, the make-up of the country through immigration, developments in technologies, and even in the evolution of popular culture. By examining history, you can determine what and who prompted such changes. However, have you thought about the ways you can impact changes that occur in the United States, or even in the world?

Take a moment to do a word association activity. Write down the first negative word that comes to mind when you see each of the following terms.

  1. Government
  2. Economy
  3. Leaders
  4. Laws
  5. Rights
  6. Privacy
  7. Immigration
  8. Technology
  9. Media
  10. Gender

Circle the negative word that you feel is the greatest detriment to Americans.


Shaping Your Future

everyday connection iconLikely a teacher or parent has told you that you need an education to get a job and become a contributing member of society. While you may not have liked the sound of that, becoming part of the workforce is one major way to positively change the United States and help the country thrive.

Think about the positive changes in the United States that you could prompt with a future job. Specifically, what job could help resolve the negative issue you circled in the brainstorming activity? If you do not already know the answer, do a bit of research to find an appropriate job sector. Then, create an original job description for a position that could help you make such positive changes. Your job description must contain the following items:

  • Company name (real or imaginary)
  • Department
  • Job title
  • Location
  • Education requirements
  • Required qualifications and skills
  • Preferred qualifications and skills
  • Primary job responsibilities
  • Application deadline

The job description should be creative, realistic, and accurately represent a job that could help solve your identified societal issue. Use the Job Description Template as a framework for this assignment.

Then, write a cover letter that details why you would be the best candidate for the job. Your cover letter should be a maximum of one page that explains your highest level of education, your educational aspirations, related job experiences you have had or hope to have, and why you feel this job is important.

Before you begin, review the Job Application Checklist to be sure you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of the course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.


Take a moment to reflect on the following questions and respond to each in a brief four to five sentence paragraph.

  • How is your chosen issue connected to the United States government, economy, courts, immigration, technology, or popular culture? Why is this connection important to Americans?
  • Do you believe that in the future you could attain a job like the one you created? Why or why not?
  • What excites you most about living in the United States today and what fears do you have? Explain.


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Once you have completed this assignment and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.