Changing Popular Culture

Martina posting as a news reporter

Martina and Terrance have caught up on the changing popular culture, and are ready to return you to the present. Before you go, however, take note that television was the main mode of media for news, entertainment, and cultural trends of the post-World War II era. In addition, three new genres of music arose: rock-and-roll, disco, and hip-hop. Martina and Terrance are still arguing over which one is best, a similar debate among opposing cultural views of the time. Women also saw their role in the economy grow as they took more nontraditional jobs. The court system helped women by defending their right to equal treatment. The change in the number of working women did not come without challenges. Affordable daycare, equitable pay, and the glass ceiling must still be addressed. America certainly went through significant cultural changes during the second half of the twentieth century.