Module 6: A Nation Grows - 1877 to the 1900s

Terrance webAuthentic Assessmennt IconAmerica has been constantly changing. You may have heard debates on health care reform, immigrant reform, education reform, marriage reform, gun control reform along with many others. What modern reform do you feel America needs the most? Would you like to see the health care system reformed? Perhaps you would like the educational system to become reformed?

In this module, you focused on the time period directly after the Civil War. As industry grew, reforms were made to state and local governments, and changes were made to the way people were treated at work. In this assignment, you will create an informative website that discusses an issue you feel currently needs to be reformed in the United States. A wide variety of issues exist in the United States today, and some are controversial. Therefore, please discuss your topic with your instructor before you begin.

Once you have selected a topic, you can begin researching. Your research should demonstrate a need for reform in the United States. Make sure you show how your plan for reform will positively impact American citizens. Also include why you believe this is an issue of concern in the United States.

You must also include the following information about your organization on your webpage:

  • The issue that needs to be reformed;
  • Specific reasons why the issue needs to be reformed;
  • Consequences of not reforming the issue; and
  • Benefits of reforming the issue.

For the webpage, you must develop appropriate descriptions and graphics/photos that illustrate your organization. Your webpage can be a mock-up or design document of the webpage; it does not need to be a fully functioning webpage. It should include both text and graphics. The webpage should be well-organized.

Before you begin, review the Webpage Design Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

Options for creating your webpage include:

  • Hand-draw the assignment and then take a picture of it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  • Hand-draw the assignment and then scan it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  • Create a new file in a paint or graphics program and utilize the software to create an image. You can then submit your work to the assignment’s dropbox.
  • Create an actual HTML document in a web-editing software program and utilize the software to create your webpage. You can then take a screen shot of your webpage or submit the actual HTML document.


Once you have created your webpage design, reflect on the following question: What reforms from the Progressive Movement are still having an impact today?

Take this time to write a brief four to five sentence paragraph and elaborate on how some of the reforms made in the Progressive Movement are still impacting American life today. Record your reflection on a separate document from your webpages design.


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Once you have completed this assignment and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.