Popular Culture and Traditional Values
Terrence and Martina now understand that the Roaring Twenties involved drastic change for Americans, as well as shifts in values. Mass media like radio and the Fireside Chats, newspapers, and magazines allowed citizens to stay connected to the ongoing cultural changes, norms, and fads. Americans could also escape their lives through entertainment like movies and jazz music. The change in American values became evident in many arenas. For example, in religion with the Scopes trial and through new immigration laws. The United States also limited the number of foreigners who could come into the country. This seemed to please groups like the Ku Klux Klan, which began to gain power and political support. In addition, the prohibition movement stopped the sale and brewing of alcohol in the United States, but ultimately did not prevent those determined to use liquor from doing so. It actually ended up increasing organized crime. Therefore, prohibition was repealed with the 21st Amendment.
Although the Roaring Twenties marked a time of change and growth in the United States, one of the darkest times in American history was on the horizon.