Module 8: World War II - 1939 to 1945

Authentic Assessment IconA World War II musuem exhibitNow that you have explored World War II with the help of Martina and Terrance, they need your help to develop an online World War II museum exhibit that showcases courage. The online museum exhibit will have a total of twelve artifacts in it, two artifacts from each of the following topics:

  • The start of the war
  • The strategies of each side
  • The American home front
  • Major battles in Europe
  • Major battles in the Pacific
  • The Holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

Your goal is to try to find artifacts that do the best job of effectively conveying each of the topics. An artifact can be many different things, such as, a picture, a piece of art, a map, a story, a radio broadcast, a video, or anything else that you can find in a digital format. At least six of your artifacts need to be primary sources or things that actually come from that time period. Your online exhibit should start with a title page or introduction and end with a closing page or summary.

For each artifact you must include a written explanation in which you explain:

  • What the artifact is;
  • How it represents what you learned from that unit;
  • Why it was the best choice to represent your learning from that unit;
  • How the artifact connects to the theme of courage; and
  • How that artifact had meaning for you or why you picked that particular artifact.

Compile all of your artifacts into one digital document or presentation. Before you begin, review the World War II Museum Exhibit Checklist to make sure you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.


Once you have completed your online exhibit, reflect on the following statement and question. Many of the country's World War II veterans are no longer here to tell their stories. What can individuals and communities do to help record and collect the stories of our living and deceased World War II veterans?

Take this time to write a brief four to five sentence paragraph and elaborate on how the stories and artifacts from World War II veterans can be saved. Record your reflection on a separate document from your artifacts document or presentation.

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Once you have completed this assignment and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox


Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.