America Enters the War
President Roosevelt was famous for his fireside radio chats. In those radio addresses he talked to the American people in a way that made it seem he was right in their homes, by the fire, having a conversation. Martina and Terrance want you to make your own fireside chat. Write a script for your own fireside radio chat where you pretend to be the President. Explain to the American people how the actions of Germany and Japan started World War II, how the United States responded to the war, and why the United States finally joined the war. Make sure you use your own words, and include an opening and a closing to your chat.
Once you have completed your written transcript for your fireside radio chat, record the chat using recoding software. When you are recording the audio file, be sure to speak slowly and clearly. Use the audio recording information found in the Developmental Module to help you create your fireside chat.
Before you begin, access the Fireside Chat Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document.
Once you have completed your script and recorded fireside chat, please submit the audio file and transcript to the dropbox.