The Home Front
Economic Resources during World War II
Germany and Japan both knew that if they could not win the war quickly after the United States joined the fight, the full power and might of the United States would eventually overwhelm the Axis Powers. In order for that power to be effective, the United States needed to marshal all of its resources and direct them towards efforts that would help it win the war. Therefore, the United States government worked to organize and distribute its economic resources. In this interactivity, learn about the changes to the American economy during World War II. Click the player button to begin.
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Supporting the Troops
The United States required the mass production of goods and services to support the war effort. Within a very short period of time, the retooling of factories occurred to support American, Soviet, and British troops. View American Factories Change to Support World War II from eMediaVASM to learn how companies produced a variety of supplies needed for the war.
Human Resources during World War II
World War II brought about a time in America when all citizens needed to support the war effort. A draft was instituted to increase the size and strength of the armed forces. Women went to work in retooled factories, and served in non-combat roles in the military. Minorities joined the military to fight against the Axis Powers. Hispanic Americans fought in non-segregated military units, but African Americans still had to serve in segregated units. In this interactivity, you will learn how the human resources of the United States were used during World War II. Click the player button to begin.
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Women in World War II
More than 15,000 American women joined the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) during World War II. While women were not allowed to join the men in battle, they served important roles. The women who joined WAC were the first women to serve in a role other than nursing in the United States military forces. View A Veteran’s Experience in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) from eMediaVASM to learn more about the role of women in the military during World War II.
Communications Resources during World War II
War is a nasty and brutal event that causes a lot of anger, sadness, and despair among people. The United States government took great care to maintain public morale, and ensure that Americans remained optimistic and confident about winning the war. The government implemented three things to maintain a positive public morale: censorship, propaganda, and continued entertainment. In this interactivity, explore the three ways the government used communications resources during World War II. Click the player button to begin.
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The Home Front Review
Now that you have completed your investigation of the home front during World War II, review your knowledge in this non-graded interactivity. Click the player button to get started.