Course Glossary

The Horrors of War

People of the Holocaust


Child survivors of Auschwitz

The large scale of the Holocaust makes it difficult to remember that six million is not just a number, it represents individual lives; and all victims of genocide have a story. Martina and Terrance have asked you to research three people by filling out the Victims and Nazi Leaders Personal Profile Template. You will research two Holocaust victims and one of the twenty-four Nazi leaders tried at the Nuremberg trials. You may select any two Holocaust victims to research, but select one of the Nazi leaders from the Nuremberg Trials listed below:

Martin Bormann Karl Donitz Hans Frank
Wilhelm Frick Hans Fritzsche Walther Funk
Hermann Goring Rudolf Hess Alfred Jodl
Ernst Kaltenbrunner Wilhelm Keitel Gustav Krupp
Robert Ley Franz von Papen Baron Konstantin von Neurath
Erich Raede Joachim von Ribbentro Alfred Rosenberg
Fritz Sauckel Dr. Hjalmar Schacht Baldur von Schirach
Arthur Seyss-Inquart Albert Speer Julius Streicher

Part I: Holocaust Victim Profile

Research and fill out the Holocaust Victim Profile tables for any two vicitims of your choosing.

Age at the time of the Holocaust:  
One personal fact:  
Reason for persecution:  
What happened to them during the Holocaust? (experiments, sterlization, euthanization, etc.)  

Part II: Nazi Leader Profile

Research and fill out the Nazi Leader Profile table for any leader from the list above.

Age at the time of the Holocaust:  
Job in the Nazi regime:  
Connection to the Holocaust:  
One personal fact:  
Punishment or sentence from the Nuremberg Trials:  


Possible Sources

The following websites may help with your research:


Part I: Holocaust Victim Profile Part II: Nazi Leader Profile
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Library of Congress
Holocaust Survivor Stories The Nuremberg Trials Project
Holocaust Survivors and Refugees  
Children of the Holocaust  
Survivor Stories from the Holocaust  


Assignment IconOnce you have completed your Victims and Nazi Leaders Personal Profile Template, please submit your assignment to the dropbox.