Module Assessment

South Asia

GEOTREX Digital Scrapbook

In previous assignments, you started organizing a GEOTREX Digital Scrapbook. This included identifying pictures, newspaper or magazine articles, receipts, and unique artifacts that represent South Asia. For this assignment, you will use items and information you previously gathered to create the scrapbook. Your scrapbook should have pages dedicated to the following topics about South Asia:

  1. Physical geography
  2. Countries and cities
  3. Culture
  4. Economy

Please include at least four relevant items in each scrapbook section. Each section should also include an explanation of the following:

  1. What are the scrapbook items?
  2. Why are the scrapbook items significant to the region?
  3. Why do you believe each item is interesting?

Arrange your scrapbook items and explanations in a creative and visually appealing way. Remember, your goal is to get GEOTREX social media followers interested in South Asia.

Options to create your scrapbook include the following:

Before you begin, access the GEOTREX Digital Scrapbook Checklist to be sure you include all items required for full credit. You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. Please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Student Resources section for information on citing any resources that you used.


After completing this assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.