Australia and the Pacific Islands
Urban Planning in Australia and the Pacific Islands

City skyline of Perth, Australia
Throughout your exploration, you discovered that many people living in Australia and the Pacific Islands are moving from rural to urban areas. City leaders need to address this population growth. Specifically, they need to offer people places to live that have infrastructure, services, and housing.
For this assignment, you will work with at least one other intern (coursemate) to design a new urban development in Australia or the Pacific Islands. Urban development occurs by expanding into unpopulated areas or restoring deteriorating regions. For help selecting a location in Australia or the Pacific Islands you would like to urbanize, visit the CIA’s World Factbook. Visit the Student Resources section for assistance navigating the CIA’s World Factbook.
When expanding into an area, wildlife is often destroyed. Thus, it is important to work with environmental protection agencies to keep animals and plants safe. As you develop the urban area, come up with ways humans and nature can exist in harmony. This is called sustainability. Consider ways to decrease pollution, increase recycling, and use alternative energy sources. To learn more about sustainability, visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency website.