Human Migration
Push Factors of Human Migration

Human migration occurs due to a variety factors. Sometimes people migrate because of push factors. This is something that "pushes" people away from their homes or place of origin. In this interactivity, you will explore examples of push factors that cause human migration. Click the player to begin.
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Pull Factors of Human Migration

Just as there are push factors that "push" people away from their place of origin, there are also pull factors that "pull" them to a new area. In this interactivity, you will examine different examples of pull factors that cause human migration. Click the player to begin.
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The Impact of Human Migration

Human migration can shift the cultural landscape of a region through cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion occurs when cultural characteristics, shared beliefs, and social activities of one group of people spread to another group of people. You can observe this cultural interaction in the language of a region. For example, many Americans living near the Mexican border speak Spanish and English. In fact, signs often have both languages included. Or consider that colonialism and global trade spread English to many nations. As a result, millions of people who have never been to England speak English as a native tongue. Millions more learn English as a second language because of its international status.
You can also see the impact of human migration on a cultural region through the spread of religion. Christianity began in modern day Israel, but is now the most practiced religion in the world. When the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, it spread throughout Europe. Later, the religion reached the Americas through European imperialism. Like Christianity, Islam originated in a relatively small area. Eventually this religion spread throughout North and East Africa, Southwest Asia, and Indonesia. Countries that offer religious freedom attract Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, and Jews. This is the case in the United States. The interaction of multiple religious traditions help make a cultural landscape unique.
Migration also causes regional customs to spread. For example, when immigrants move to a new country, they usually keep their cultural traditions. Their host country may slowly adopt some of these traditions. What ways have you seen Americans integrating food, art, holidays, and entertainment of various cultures? Similarly, people around the world embrace American movies, music, and clothing styles. Recent advancements in technology, transportation, and communication have increased global interaction and cultural diffusion. This has accelerated the spread of cultural customs, as well as ideals like freedom of speech and basic human rights. Social media and other digital platforms help draw attention to international issues. This includes refugee crises caused by conflict or oppression.
Human Migration Review

Now that you have learned about human migration and cultural diffusion, review your knowledge in this interactivity. Click the player to get started.