Cities and Urban Areas
Site and Situation

When geographers study the growth of a major city, they look for patterns of development according to the city's site and situation. In this interactivity, you will become familiar with the terms site and situation. Specifically, you will apply these geographic concepts to actual cities. Click the player to begin.
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Functions of Cities and Towns

Cities and towns are population centers established to serve different functions for their residents. A town functions similar to a city, but it generally has many fewer people and operates on a smaller scale. In this interactivity, you will study the functions of cities and towns, and learn how those functions may change over time. Click the player to begin.
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Urban Influence

Urban areas are generally thought of as the greater area around a city. It may or may not include suburbs. Urban areas have a strong influence on their associated regions and countries. They impact the culture, economy, politics, and environment. In this interactivity, you will examine positive and negative influences of urban development. Click the player to begin.
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Cities and Urban Areas Review

Now that you have learned about the locations, functions, influences, and challenges of cities and urban areas, review your knowledge in this interactivity. Click the player to get started.