Topic 1 Content
Climate Regions of the United States and Canada
The map is titled Climate Regions of the United States and Canada. This map displays the different climate regions that exist in the United States and Canada, using color. The map shows the landmasses of the United States, Canada, the Bahamas, part of northern Cuba, and part of northern Mexico. A map key exists on the left side of the map, which explains the colors used for each of the climate regions. A compass rose does not exist on this map. It is assumed that the cardinal direction of north is toward the top of the map, west is to the left of the map, east is to the right of the map, and south is toward the bottom of the map.
- Areas shaded in magenta represent tundra climate. Tundra climate exists in the northern most sections of Canada and stretches from the west to the east coast. The tundra climate is found above the most northern lake on the map and starts half-way up the Hudson Bay. The southern side of the tundra climate meets a boundary with the subarctic climate zone. The northern, eastern, and western sides of the tundra climate all meet a boundary with the ocean.
- Areas shaded in dark purple represent the subarctic climate. Subarctic climate exists in northern and central Canada. The subarctic climate stretches from the west to the east coast. This climate begins half-way up the most southern lake in Canada, half-way up the Hudson Bay, and stops just north of most northern lake in Canada. The northern side of the subarctic climate meets a boundary with the tundra climate. The southern side of the subarctic climate meets boundaries with the marine west coast climate, highland climate, semiarid climate, and humid continental climate.
- Areas shaded in burgundy represent the marine west coast climate. Marine west coast climate exists on the western coast of Canada and the northwestern coast of the United States, including parts of northwestern California. The northern side of the marine west coast climate meets a boundary with the subarctic climate. The eastern side of the marine west coast climate meets boundaries with the subarctic climate and highland climate. The southern side of the marine west coast climate meets a boundary with the Mediterranean climate. The western side of the marine west coast climate meets a boundary with the Pacific Ocean.
- Areas shaded in brown represent the highland climate. Highland climate exists in three separate locations on the map.
- The largest section of highland climate exists in correlation with the Rocky Mountains, Columbia Plateau, and the Sierra Nevada. The northern side of this section meets a boundary with the subarctic climate. The eastern side of this section meets a boundary with semiarid climate. The western side of this section meets boundaries with marine west coast climate and Mediterranean climate. The southern side of this section meets a boundary with arid climate.
- The smallest section of highland climate exists in correlation with the Colorado Plateau. All sides of this section meet a boundary with semiarid climate.
- The third section of highland climate is located in the southwestern United States and central Mexico in correlation with the Sierra Madres. The northern side of this section meets a boundary with the semiarid climate. The eastern side and western side of this section meet boundaries with the semiarid climate and tropical wet and dry climate. The southern side of this section is not shown on the map.
- Areas shaded in light brown represent the semiarid climate. Semiarid climate is the dominant climate of the western United States and is found west of the Great Plains. The northern side of the semiarid climate meets boundaries with highland climate and subarctic climate. The eastern side of the semiarid climate meets boundaries with humid continental climate and humid subtropical climate. The western slide of the semiarid climate meets boundaries with arid climate and highland climate. The southern side of semiarid climate meets boundaries with highland climate and tropical wet and dry climate.
- Areas shaded in red represent the humid continental climate. Humid continental climate is found east of the Great Plains in the central and northern United States. It is also found in southern Canada below the Hudson Bay but above the Great Lakes. The northern side of the humid continental climate meets a boundary with the subarctic climate. The eastern side of the humid continental climate meets a boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. The southern side of the humid continental climate meets a boundary wih humid subtropical climate. The western side of the humid continental climate meets a boundary with the semiarid climate.
- Areas shaded in yellow represent the humid subtropical climate. Humid subtropical climate is found east of the Great Plains in the central and southern United States. The northern side of the humid subtropical climate meets a boundary with the humid continental climate. The eastern side of the humid subtropical climate meets a boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. The southern side of the humid subtropical climate meets a boundary with the Gulf of Mexico. The western side of the humid subtropical climate meets a boundary with the semiarid climate.
- Areas shaded in blue represent Mediterranean climate. Mediterranean climate is found on the southwestern coast of the United States. The northern side of the Mediterranean climate meets a boundary with the marine west coast climate. The eastern side of the Mediterranean climate meets boundaries with highland climate and arid climate. The southern boundary of the Mediterranean climate meets a boundary with the arid climate. The western boundary of the Mediterranean climate meets the Pacific Ocean.
- Areas shaded in khaki represent the arid climate. Arid climate is found in the southwestern United States in correlation with the Basin and Range. The northern section of the arid climate meets boundaries with the Mediterranean climate, highland climate, and semiarid climate. The eastern and southern sides of the Mediterranean climate meet a boundary with the semiarid climate. The western side of the Mediterranean climate meets boundaries with the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean.
- Areas shaded in light green represent the tropical wet and dry climate. The tropical wet and dry climate is found on the southern tip of Florida, the Bahamas, northern Cuba, and on the east and west coasts of Mexico. In Florida, the northern side of the tropical wet and dry climate meets a boundary with the humid subtropical climate. In Mexico, the northern side of the humid subtropical climate meets a boundary with the semiarid climate. In Mexico, highland climate is found in between the coastal tropical wet and dry climate.
Topic 2 Content
Countries with a McDonald’s Franchise
The map is titled Map of the Sun Belt. This map shows the location of the Sun Belt in the continental United States by using color. The map shows the landmass of the continental United States and the boundaries for each of the states. A compass rose does not exist on this map. It is assumed that the cardinal direction of north is toward the top of the map, west is to the left of the map, east is to the right of the map, and south is toward the bottom of the map.
- Areas shaded in red represent the Sun Belt. This area covers most of the southern tier of the continental United States, including the southern half of California, southern Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, southern Oklahoma, southern Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, southern Tennessee, and southern North Carolina.
Income Distribution in the U.S. 2016
The pie chart is titled Income Distribution in the U.S. 2016. This pie chart displays the income distribution in the United States in 2016, using various shades of blue color. The pie chart includes a key on the left side.
- The section of the pie chart that is colored dark blue represents the top twenty percent. This section makes up fifty percent of the pie chart.
- The next section of the pie chart is slightly lighter blue than the top twenty percent section, and represents the second twenty percent. This section makes up twenty-two percent of the pie chart.
- The next section of the pie chart is slightly lighter blue than the second twenty percent section, and represents the third twenty percent. This section makes up fourteen percent of the pie chart.
- The next section of the pie chart is slightly lighter blue than the third twenty percent section, and represents the fourth twenty percent. This section makes up eleven percent of the pie chart.
- The final section of the pie chart is the lightest blue color, and represents the bottom twenty percent. ¬This section makes up three percent of the pie chart.