
Physical Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean

Vertical Zonation Illustration

Recall that vertical zonation describes climate and vegetation zones based on elevation. For this assignment, you will create an original illustration that depicts how people are influenced by the vertical zone they live in.

Your illustration should depict the five vertical zones. These include tierra caliente, tierra templada, tierra fría, tierra helada, and tierra nevada. Add a descriptive title and artwork or a graphic that clearly depicts increasing elevation (such as a mountain or series of bars). Accurately label each zone, and arrange them in proper order of elevation. In addition, include the following elements for each zone:

For the four lowest zones, include the following:

Options to create your illustration include:

  1. Hand-draw the illustration and then take a picture of it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  2. Hand-draw the illustration and then scan it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  3. Utilize a paint, presentation, word processing, or graphics program to create the illustration. You can then submit your work to the assignment’s dropbox.
  4. Use a web-based or mobile application to create the illustration. You can then email or export the final product for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.

Once you complete the illustration, write a two to three sentence description for each zone that describes how climate, altitude, and/or agricultural practices impact the culture of people living in each zone. You will need to perform Internet research to find all required elements.

Before you begin, access the Vertical Zonation Illustration Checklist to be sure you include all items required for full credit. You will use resources outside of this course to complete the assignment, so please submit a Works Cited document along with your work. If you need assistance, visit the Student Resources section for more information on citing resources.


After completing this assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.