Topic 1 Content
Climate Regions of North Africa and Southwest Asia
The map is titled Climate Regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. This map displays the different climate regions that exist in Sub-Saharan Africa. The map shows the landmasses of Southern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Anatolian Peninsula, and a portion of southwest Asia. A map key exists on the left side of the map, which explains the colors used for each of the climate regions. A compass rose does not exist on this map. It is assumed that the cardinal direction of north is toward the top of the map, west is to the left of the map, east is to the right of the map, and south is toward the bottom of the map.
- Areas shaded in khaki represent arid climate. Arid climate is found in several locations on the map.
- The following areas of arid climate exist in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Arid climate is found in correlation with the Namib and Kalahari Deserts in southwestern Sub-Saharan Africa. The northern, eastern, and southern sides of this section meet a boundary with semiarid climate. The western side of this section meets a boundary with the Atlantic Ocean.
- Arid climate is found in correlation with the Horn of Africa. This section includes the majority of the eastern Horn of Africa. The northern and eastern sections meet a boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. The southern and western sections meet a boundary with semiarid climate.
- The following areas of arid climate exist in North Africa or Southwest Asia:
- Arid climate is found in correlation with the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert. This section includes the majority of northern Africa and the majority of the Arabian Peninsula. The majority of this section meets a boundary with semiarid climate; however, it also meets a boundary with Mediterranean climate near the Anatolian Peninsula. The eastern side of this section meets a boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. The western side of this section meets boundaries with the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Persian Gulf.
- Another section of arid climate exists north of the Zagros Mountains. This section exists in Iran. All sides of this section meet a boundary with semiarid climate.
- Arid climate exists on the top right side of the map in the southern portion of southwestern Asia. This section is found south and west of the Zagros Mountains. The northern side of this section meets a boundary with semiarid climate. The southern side of this section meets a boundary with the Persian Gulf.
- Another section of arid climate exists on the top right side of the map north of the Hindu Kush Mountain Range. The southern side of this section meets a boundary with semiarid climate.
- The following areas of arid climate exist in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Areas shaded in brown represent highland climate. Highland climate exists in three separate locations on the map.
- The following areas of highland climate exist in Sub-Saharan Africa:
- Highland climate exists in western Ethiopia in correlation with a plateau. This section meets a boundary with semiarid climate on all sides.
- Another section of highland climate exists on the eastern and western sides of Lake Victoria. The eastern section is surrounded on all sides by tropical wet and dry climate. The western section meets boundaries with tropical wet and dry climate on the eastern, northern, and southern sides. This section meets a boundary with tropical wet on the western side.
- The following areas of highland climate exist in North Africa or Southwest Asia:
- An area of highland climate is found on the upper right corner of the map in correlation with the Hindu Kush Mountain Range in southwest Asia. This section is surrounded by semiarid climate on all sides.
- The following areas of highland climate exist in Sub-Saharan Africa:
- Areas shaded in blue represent Mediterranean climate. Mediterranean climate exists in two separate locations on the map.
- The following areas of Mediterranean climate exist in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Mediterranean climate exists in correlation with the Cape of Good Hope. This is found in the southernmost portion of Africa. The northern side of this section meets a boundary with semiarid climate. The eastern, southern, and western sides meet a boundary with the ocean.
- The following areas of Mediterranean climate exist in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- The following areas of Mediterranean climate exist in North Africa or Southwest Asia:
- Mediterranean climate is found in southern Europe, northern Africa, and the Anatolian Peninsula bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean climate is also found in correlation with the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, west of the Anatolian Peninsula. This section meets boundaries with the Mediterranean Sea and semiarid climate.
- Areas shaded in light brown represent semiarid climate. Semiarid climate exists in four separate locations on the map.
- The following areas of semiarid climate exist in Sub-Saharan Africa:
- Semiarid climate extends across central Africa. This section is located below the Sahara Desert and north of the Savanna. This section of semiarid climate is found in correlation with the Sahel. The western side of this section meets a boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. The southern side of this section meets a boundary with tropical wet and dry climate. The northern and eastern sides meet a boundary with arid climate.
- Another section of semiarid climate exists north of the Namib Desert and surrounds the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. This section extends from the west coast and stops short of the east coast. The northern side of this section meets a boundary with tropical wet and dry climate. The southern side meets boundaries with arid, marine west coast, Mediterranean, and the ocean.
- The following areas of semiarid climate exist in North Africa or Southwest Asia:
- Semiarid climate is found in northern Africa in correlation with the Atlas Mountains and extends westward into Egypt. The southern and western sides of this section meet a boundary with arid climate. The northern and western sides of this section meet boundaries with the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Mediterranean climate.
- There are two small sections of semiarid climate on the Arabian Peninsula. Both of these sections are found on the southern portion of the Arabian Peninsula on opposite coastlines. The sections are surrounded by around arid climate. Not sure what this is trying to say. Please check wording.
- The following areas of semiarid climate exist in Sub-Saharan Africa:
- Another section of semiarid climate is found on the Anatolian Peninsula that extends into southwest Asia. This section includes the area of the Zagros Mountains and areas surrounding the Hindu Kush Mountains. In the Anatolian Peninsula, the semiarid climate is surrounded by Mediterranean climate on the northern, eastern, and western sides and arid climate on the southern side. In southwest Asia, the western side of the semiarid climate meets a boundary with Mediterranean climate. The northern and southern sides of this section meet a boundary with arid climate. The eastern side of this section meets a boundary with highland climate.
- Areas shaded in light green represent tropical wet and dry climate. Tropical wet and dry climate is found in much of central and south central Africa, including the western half of Madagascar. Tropical wet and dry climate extends from the west coast to the east coast and south in Sub-Saharan African. This area includes all areas except those covered by tropical wet and highland climates. This section even includes the African Great Lakes Region. The northern side of this section meets a boundary with semiarid climate. The eastern side of this section meets a boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. The western side of this section meets a boundary with the Indian Ocean.
- Areas shaded in dark green represent tropical wet climate. Tropical wet climate is found in three locations on the map in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Tropical wet climate is found in the southern coast of West Africa, near the Gulf of Guinea and the Equator. The northern and eastern sides of this section meet a boundary with tropical wet and dry climate. The southern and western sides of this section meet a boundary with Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Guinea.
- Another section of tropical wet climate is found in correlation with the Congo River Basin in central Africa. The northern and southern sides of this section meet a boundary with tropical wet and dry climate. The eastern side of this section meets boundaries with tropical wet and dry climate and highland climate. The eastern side of this section meets a boundary with the Gulf of Guinea.
- Tropical wet climate is found on the eastern coast of Madagascar. The northern, eastern, and southern sides of this section are bordered by the Indian Ocean. The eastern side of this section meets a boundary with tropical wet and dry climate.
- Areas shaded in magenta represent marine west coast climate. Marine west coast climate is found in a very small portion southeastern Africa. This section is located on the southeastern coastline. The northern, western, and southern sides of this section meet a boundary with semiarid climate. The eastern side of this section meets a boundary with the Indian Ocean.